See the wood for the trees
Work out where you're going in life
Deal with challenging situations
Do something different, life affirming, special

Rob Wicke
It can be pretty daunting making changes to your lifestyle, this is where I come in - As a skilled and caring coach I will help you to create a game plan and support you to put it into action. Let the magic begin!
First we take a step back and create some breathing room so we can explore your situation from a calm place.
Next we work out your key motivations that will unlock insights and give you the energy to take your journey on.
Finally we will design the map, with clear strategies that you can follow to help bring about core changes to your wellbeing.

Wellness is important. So important in fact that it affects our life in tons of ways. Wellness can include helpful thoughts, a nourished body, supportive relationships. Wellness is uplifting, refreshing and nuturing. Wellness can be developed by taking consistent action.
It begins with feeling safe, which enables curiosity, confidence, courage, calmness, playfulness and persistance. You can get stuff done and enjoy doing it. You can respond to difficult moments with more energy and focus.
With feeling safe comes changes to your nervous system; the body learns to relax, your cells can repair, the mind stops whirring a million miles a second.
When you're safe you can step back, take a deep breath and approach life from a different perspective - you can get clarity and direction about what's in your power to change, and how to change it.
My coaching helps you to create this incredible life-changing foundation of safety and calm. Then we can build in all kinds of fun things to do to create the life you want.